Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bald Eagle State Park

The Bald Eagle State Park spans 5,900 acres and is located in Howard, PA, 40 minutes from Bucknell. The park has a 1,730 acre lake, and a plethora of forests, fields, wetlands, and streams. There are 5 different hiking trails totaling 11 miles of trails. The difficulty of the trails vary so whether you are looking for an easy and relaxing hike or a more challenging one, you can find it here. For more information on the Bald Eagle State Park go to:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Heather - do you have a high res version of this photo we can use to illustrate a brief about Bald Eagle State park in the spring issue of Susquehanna Life magazine? We can pay you $25. Please let me know asap. Thanks, Erica
    You can reach me at
